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Ro’Ya Specialised Medical Laboratories were honoured to receive a high-level delegate from the Genomic Analysis Giants, ILLUMINA

Ro’Ya Specialised Medical Laboratories were honoured to receive a high-level delegate from the Genomic Analysis Giants, ILLUMINA. The delegate included:

  1. Gregory Gonzalez (Partner Account Manager, Middle East & Africa Channel Partners).
  2. Joern Schoenfeld (Assoc Director Services & Support Emerging Markets EMEA Illumina).
  3. Gregory Essert (Head Of Sales Emerging Markets).

The visitors expressed their admiration of the genomic analysis facilities available at our laboratories and promised to continue their valued support in many avenues working towards a full partnership in the near future.

قام وفد رفيع المستوى من شركة الومينا العالمية والمتخصصة في علوم الجينوم بزيارة رؤية وقد شمل الوفد. وقد أعبر أعضاء الوفد عن سعادتهم لمستوى المختبرات الموجودة لدى رؤية ووعدوا بإستمرار الدعم الفني واللوجستي سعيا لتكوين شراكة كاملة في المستقبل القريب.



آخر تحديث
12/27/2018 9:19:39 AM

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