Dr. Muhammed Abu-Elmagd
Muhammad Abu-Elmagd - Ph.D
Scientific Profile:
Dr Abu-Elmagd received his undergraduate degree and M.Sc. from the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Al-Minia University, Egypt in the field of Developmental Biology/Congenital Malformations. In 2002, he was awarded a PhD in Developmental Molecular Biology (Molecular Embryology) from the Institute of Genetics, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, UK. He continued his career in academia and research by joining the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia (UEA), UK, as a Senior Research Associate up until 2012 when he joined the Centre of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research (CEGMR), King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr Abu-Elmagd is still affiliated with the UEA as a visiting lecturer
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Dr Abu-Elmagd’s research focuses in general on studying gene expression and regulation during early embryonic development aiming to understand the molecular mechanisms that control early events of development. In addition, he extends his research to analyse the regulatory network of genes that have a dual role in embryonic development and genetic diseases. To achieve this, Dr Abu-Elmagd uses in vivo and in vitro gain- and loss-of-function approaches using a number of advanced platforms available at CEGMR including bioinformatics, next generation sequencing, microarray, proteomics and flow cytometry. Dr Abu-Elmagd also has a special interest in male infertility research and has started to establish an advanced molecular assay for male infertility screening in collaboration with the Centre of Innovation in Personalized Medicine (CIPM) at KAU. Alongside his research, Dr Abu-Elmagd is the coordinator of three main service units at CEGMR: Mass Spectrometry, Teratogenicity & Toxicity, and Bioimaging; in addition to assisting in managing the Histopathology service unit.
Dr Abu-Elmagd has a number of scientific achievements proofed by outstanding publications (see all at
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Organised by CEGMR, Dr Abu-Elmagd headed the editorial board of the 2nd International Genomic Medicine Conference (IGMC, 2013). His hard work has successfully led to publishing 98 abstracts (
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and 24 peer-reviewed articles ( click here ) in BMC Genomics. Dr Abu-Elmagd extended his excellent impacts at CEGMR by establishing an open access journal (npj Genomic Medicine) in partnership with one of the world’s leading publishers, the Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and he currently sits on the management committee of the journal.
Selected Publications:
1. Abu-Elmagd, M., Ishii,Y., Cheung, M., LeRouëdec, D., Paul J. Scotting. (2001). cSox3 expression and neurogenesis in the epibranchial placodes, Developmental Biology. 237:258-69.
2. Abu-Elmagd, M., Goljanek-Whysall K, Wheeler G, Münsterberg A (2015). Sprouty2 mediated tuning of signalling is essential for somite myogenesis. BMC Medical Genomics. 8 (Suppl 1): S8. doi:10.1186/1755-8794-8-S1-S8.
3. Abu-Elmagd, M., Garcia-Morales, C., Wheeler, GN. (2006). Frizzled7 mediates canonical Wnt signaling in neural crest induction. Developmental Biology, 298, (1):285-98.
4. Abu-Elmagd, M., Robson, L., Sweetman, D., Hadley, J., Evans, D., Francis-West, P. and Münsterberg, A. (2009). Wnt signalling via Pitx2 regulates somite and limb myogenesis. Developmental Biology, 337 (2): 211-9.
5. Goljanek-Whysall, K., Sweetman, D., Abu-Elmagd, M., Chapnik, E., Dalmay, T., Hornstein, E. Münsterberg, A. (2011). MicroRNA regulation of the paired-box transcription factor Pax3 confers robustness to developmental timing of myogenesis. Proceeding of National Academy of Science of USA (PNAS), 19;108 (29):11936-41.
6. Swingler, T., Wheeler, G., Carmont, V., Elliot, H., Barter, M., Abu-Elmagd, M., Donell, S., Boot-Hand Ford, R., Hajihosseini, M., Münsterberg, A., Dalmay, T., Young, D., Clark, I. (2012).The expression and function of microRNAs in chondrogenesis and osteoarthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 64(6):1909-19.
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Last Update
5/18/2015 12:22:35 PM